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First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind: Level 3 Student Workbook (First Language Lessons)
Ebook First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind: Level 3 Student Workbook (First Language Lessons)
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About the Author
Jessie Wise, a former teacher, is a home education consultant, speaker, and writer. She has decades of experience as a classroom teacher, elementary school principal, private tutor, and educational consultant, and is the co-author of the best-selling The Well-Trained Mind and the groundbreaking elementary grammar text First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind. She lives in Charles City, Virginia.Sara Buffington has experience as a teacher and children's book editor. Now a freelance writer, Buffington is the co-author of The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading and First Language Lessons, Level Three.
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Product details
Grade Level: 2 - 4
Series: First Language Lessons
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press; Workbook, Student edition (July 17, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 193333908X
ISBN-13: 978-1933339085
Product Dimensions:
8.6 x 1.1 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
120 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#45,722 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Reviewing as a 1-year sabbatical homeschool course, for kids who went to public school last year and will go back next year. (Or would be relevant for those using as a supplement.)I did not expect much of this series, as I paged through it and found a lot of tedium. However. I was surprised by the extent to which my kids enjoyed the course. And, it exceeded my expectations for the reason I bought it, which was to beef up my kids' existing grammar skills, which were relatively good, but not rigorous.PROS:Poetry: My kids loved the poetry memorization. I didn't love all the poetry selections, but they weren't bad. I ended up using a few from the book, and then choosing other more serious poets in place of some of the choices. But, I could see the poetry chosen as being positive for most kids, as my only real complaint with it was being, if anythign, too kid-friendly. This exercise could easily be done without the book, but I appreciated the periodic reminders to repeat poetry previously memorized.Repetition: This is really a pro/con. Wise focuses on memorizing rules and lists quite a bit, and to accomplish this, she includes frequent repetition. Overall, I like this approach. I simply stopped using it when it felt unnecessary. As an example, there's a poem to memorize to remember the articles: a, an, and the. IMO, memorizing that list is a lot simpler than memorizing a whole poem for it. But my kids now have a solid grammar foundation, based both on understanding and memorization; I feel like the one bolsters the other. But I would recommend using the repetition as long as it's useful and then dropping it when it's unnecessary.Ease: Works out-of-the-box: if used in conjunction with the teacher's manual, little if any preparation is required.Organization for multi-levels: Levels 3 & 4 are organized similarly. My younger son did level 3 and older did 4. We were able to do most of our work together, as most chapters in 3 were keyed to similar lessons in 4. 4 added new depth, and I often had my younger son listen while my older son learned and did the exercises in 4.For use as supplement or 1-year course: These worked extremely well for kids who had experience with the loosey-goosey preparation provided in public school. In terms of picking up a bunch of rigor in one year or supplementing while kids are in school, I think this program is excellent. I feel a lot better knowing that when my kids return to school, they will be able to contextualize their grammar lessons within a whole context of grammar, which is what I had wanted for them. This is not a complete soup-to-nuts grammar book, but it does cover the primary structures that most kids will encounter through middle school. It's an excellent balance of scope and depth.Gentle Diagramming: Once my kids got used to it, they enjoyed the diagramming. It's a very soft introduction to diagramming, which worked very well for kids unaccustomed to it beforehand.CONSRepetition: See above.Composition: As we were doing a 1-year course focused on bolstering rigor, I was unbothered by the lack of composition. There are brief letter-writing suggestions at the end, but as the book sets itself out as a resource for most LA needs, it's worth noting how peremptory this is. For our family, we skipped the few narrations exercises (in which children write a synopsis of a writing selection) and the letter writing, and instead used Writing with Ease 3 days a week (for synopsis) and another composition book 2 days a week.Diagramming: I would love to see a few pages of suggestions for free diagramming at the end of the book. The gentle approach to diagramming involves the book drawing the diagram and the child filling it in. By the end, my kids were capable enough (thanks FLL!) to draw their own diagrams. I could see a later edition including more practice sentences without giving diagrams to fill in for kids who grok the material. This was especially frustrating in the Book 4 book. My kids only used this for a year and were ready to do their own diagrams by early spring. If my younger son was doing this book and then Book 4 next year, the soft diagramming approach would be way too easy. Also would be a great way to teach multiple kids who may be at different levels.Overall, very pleased for my needs. I feel like my kids are going back into school with a serious understanding of how language works that will be a framework for everything they do for the next few years.
Be sure to buy the teacher guide-- I didn't know that! You read from the teacher book as the child reads along and does the exercises in his/her book. At first I didn't like this method at all. It seemed to condescend to the child. But when I asked my third grader, she said she likes the grammar lessons! So we kept going and eventually I came to like it too, very much so. We have both learned so much about the English language, parts of speech, and diagramming sentences. They don't teach this material in elementary schools this way anymore, but I do think it's important for developing strong writers and readers. We did not get through all 100 lessons this year but I think that's okay; it took me most of the school year to learn to do these lessons efficiently, and for my daughter to develop the maturity to focus through them. In addition to the grammar (parts of speech, diagramming sentences), there is dictation, memorization of passages of literature, extension activities, and optional follow-ups. In short lessons each day, I feel my daughter got so much information, and the way you keep coming back to review it, it's great for their retention. I'm glad for this program.
I am using levels 1 and 3 concurrently with my children, and like many of these reviews state, the program is great. The only caveat: I'm using level 3 in ebook format, and it is incredibly awkward. I've tried using it on both my paperwhite and my windows laptop, and it's very difficult to jump back and forth to the poems, view lessons as a whole, and I'm constantly losing my place. Pay a little extra for the physical book - it's well worth it.
This curriculum was not a good fit for my gifted child, who found it tedious. But for my average child this has been great. The repetition should be adapted to your child. Don't repeat things 3 times if you know your kid already knows it. Grammar is going much better with sentence diagramming. I really see improvement.
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