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Product details
File Size: 75924 KB
Print Length: 904 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Microsoft Press; 1 edition (June 15, 2013)
Publication Date: June 15, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#928,301 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This hefty tome weighing in at more than 850 pages is aimed squarely at the SharePoint power user. It is not an administrators aid and will not give you best practices or show you how to install and setup the system. It basically assumes that you already have a working SharePoint 2013 environment. It's really an end users manual, so if you think the "Inside Out" title would include everything you need to know about SharePoint 2013, you need to look elsewhere (actually multiple books as an all inclusive book would really be impracticable).So in saying that, if you are an end user/power user how good is this book and what all does it cover?The book is split into 22 chapters covering everything from basics of SharePoint structure and terms to setting up BDC connections, excel services and more. Depending on your IT department and your level of access in SharePoint, this book covers virtually everything you will need to know to create useful and powerful SharePoint sites.It's a fairly easy read for a technical book and you can use it as a reference to look back on certain subjects if you need reminding. There seems to be a mash of some chapters covering topics already covered in other chapters whilst in other places it refers you to a certain chapter for further information (this is probably just due to the book being written by multiple authors).Although the title of the book is inside out, it keeps things to a fairly high level and doesn't really delve that deeply into each subject, but there is more than enough information for an end user to get them up and running.If you have used a previous version of SharePoint (e.g. SharePoint 2010) then a lot of the information contained in this book you will already know and as such I'm not too sure how much value this book will be. The book does contain information that only SharePoint 2013 has (e.g. FAST search now being built directly into the product) and it does point out the differences between SharePoint Foundation and the full SharePoint Server so would be useful to either.I do wish that some chapters went into more detail than it does but if you are an end user/power user being tasked to create a departmental SharePoint site, document store etc. then this book should give you enough information to get your job done quickly and easily.Overall a good overview of SharePoint 2013 and its capabilities and enough to get users up and running with their SharePoint 2013 sites.Edit: I've upped my rating to 4 star considering this is actually a good book for its target audience.
The introduction starts with mentioning seven areas that the book will cover (page XIX), including three of my main interests: document and web content management, enterprise search and workflows that I will review here."Document collaboration has always been at the heart of what SharePoint provides" (page 12): Chapter 11, Managing Documents is 36 pages long and the term Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is not mentioned at all. Quick Parts is mentioned once but that is in Chapter 22, and with no information at all about all the issues you run into using Quick Parts for promotion/demotion of document properties. (Yes, I promise you that you will get a lot of issues in a serious application using Quick Parts.) There is no discussion of SharePoint document ID system and its limitations. (To be fair, neither has any other book that I have read.) In summary, the book has little information about how to set up SharePoint as a formal first class document management system; this is unfortunate since there are many surprises and issues to consider when using SharePoint as an Enterprise Content Management system.The search part of the book, Chapters 18 and 19 are well written but it is not an introduction how to use search from an users point of view. For that you have to read "SharePoint 2013 for Dummies". It is mentioned that SharePoint 2013 supports search on PDF documents; only one other SharePoint 2013 book I have read gives that little vital piece of information. Neither in this book nor in any other book I have read is mentioned why the search results don't show the title of Word documents (you will have to search on Internet about how to fix this issue). Isn't the title of the document (and author and the unique document ID) the basic information you would like to see when doing a document search in an Enterprise Content Management system?The book has a fair description of SharePoint Designer. It is mentioned twice that workflows can be connected to Content Types; however without the clarification that only SharePoint 2010 workflows can be connected to a Content Type, not the new SharePoint 2013 workflows, which you are supposed to use now. Further, in depth discussions are missing of approve workflow requirements and where SharePoint fails to support a correct formal approve process. (To be fair, neither has any other book that I have read.)The information about user groups and permission levels is weak, although the book has a solution of a tiny issue that I have been looking for a while that no other book I have read mentions. However, neither in this book or any other book I have read is mentioned the issue that you can't rename a document when you use Contribute - without delete permission levels, the permission level to be used in a regulated ECM system.The book has comparatively few practical examples how to solve things in its 871 numbered pages. If you are buying just one book to become a SharePoint super/power user, I recommend instead Beginning SharePoint 2013 - Building Business Solutions. But this book is still worth to have and read as the second power user book.Edit: You must have read at least "SharePoint 2013 for Dummies" before reading this book, otherwise you will be confused. I previously wrote that the XPS format is not supported but XPS is now supported since some cumulative update, unclear which one.
The information in the book seems OK. Sometimes if find the information a little light. There are some items that doesn't include enough information and because of that is a little misleading at times. I think this book is helpful for people that are comfortable with prior versions of SharePoint but because of the incomplete information I feel it has the potential to confuse beginners.
This is a comprehensive book about Sharepoint 2013 although I think some of the comments and material actually apply to a previous version. This is somewhat of an issue because there have been some important changes to Sharepoint between 2013 and previous versions.
Great content for intermediate and advanced users. There's a lot of information packed in here! Unfortunately, the graphics were awful - images are tiny, nearly impossible to decipher, as was the text. Big thumbs down to Microsoft Press for the crappy print.
As promised
Very comprehensive guidance for planning your SharePoint implementation. This book proposes lots of very pertinent questions that you really need answered to ensure that issues get dealt with in the planning phase when it is easier and cheaper to address and not in the post-implementation phase.
This is a really good book for through coverage of SharePoint 2013 from the perspective of everyday user. Great place to start your research and understanding into current version of SharePoint.
great price, book exactly as described, would order from seller again
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