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, by Elizabeth Hoyt

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Product details
File Size: 1558 KB
Print Length: 337 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0349406499
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (October 14, 2014)
Publication Date: October 14, 2014
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#54,353 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I have read the whole series, and I was just delighted with this one! Especially delightful aspects: -strong, independent heroine who can do the things she does in the book because she is a "breeches role" actress, and there were such actresses in the day, so you don't worry constantly about grating anachronisms. -totally hunky hero who reminds one of The Princess Bride's Wesley, in terms of physical strength, daring-do, and sly, irreverent humor. -adorable kid and dog who do rambunctious things in a realistic way, and don't just end up as sentimental props -return visits by characters from previous novels that are fun. (Don't you hate that when people come back from previous novels in a series, and all they do is gaze lovingly at each other and their offspring?)Also, for those who have read other books in the series, and I'm guessing a lot of us reading this one have read the others, I love how this one adds further to the variety of moods, styles, and areas of focus that are included. This is so unlike the moody earlier pieces (I love those as well), or the really strenuous grieving of Books 5 and 6--it's charming to see these characters romping around and having fun. And it's not that this is a shallow book--it's just that these people can live deep, worthwhile, and interesting lives, face conflict, fall in love, and so on, and still maintain witty repartee.Really, hats off, Elizabeth Hoyt! It's your best yet!
I have all of Elizabeth Hoyt's books downloaded onto my Kindle, so one might say I'm a huge fan. In fact, I have waited with some degree of anticipation for this book to finally come out. When we were first introduced to Apollo a couple of books back, he has since, on occasion, haunted my thoughts and when he finally escaped from Bethlehem Hospital (Bedlam) in Duke of Midnight (Maiden Lane series, Book 6), Artemis' and Maximus' book, I knew we would soon have more of Apollo - YES!Sooo, what do I think about our darling Apollo's story? I must admit to some disappointment. The first major dislike that sticks out in my mind is that our sweet Apollo, after having finally escaped the bowels of hell known as Bedlam, where he was unjustly imprisoned for four long years, starved, beaten, damaged to the point he can no longer speak, is then placed in MUD?? - for more than half of this book? Yes, he's working as the head gardener, albeit on the sly, as he and Asa Makepeace attempt to restore the gardens of Harte's Folly, a theatre which was destroyed in a fire. Not just any mud, but mud, soot, filth and devastation that is the result of a major fire.When the heroine of this story, Lily Stump, who is living in a small portion of the theatre that wasn't destroyed by fire, hears her young son, Indio, say there is a monster in their garden, Lily believes he is simply telling a tall tale. But, when Lily sees a large, mud covered mound moving around in the garden, she finally realizes there is indeed a huge beast/monster in the garden in the person of our own Apollo Greaves, Viscount Kilbourne.Of course, it's going to take some time for Lily AKA Robin Goodfellow, well known actress and comedienne extraordinaire, to learn Apollo's identity and story, but learn it she shall for she will be living in the ruins until the theatre reopens, having been contracted to star in future productions to be held there, by none other than "Harte" himself, AKA Asa Makepeace. Another little mystery solved here for those who have been wondering exactly what Asa Makepeace does for a living having first been introduced to his character in Wicked Intentions (Maiden Lane Book 1) and ensuing Maiden Lane books. A juicy tidbit there and now On. To. The. Mud.So, we have a relationship buildup taking place for the next good portion of the book, while Apollo works in the mud and soot trying to stay hidden from various people who are either attempting to return him to Bedlam or kill him. During this process, he makes friends with the lovely Lily and her family which consists of a long time family servant, Maude, and Indio - her son with one green eye and one blue eye, a fact which lends itself to some curiosity in the reader, as we "yearn to learn" exactly who Indio's father is and how this will affect the storyline.Lily is also a very talented writer of plays, marketed by her semi-wastrel half brother, who has pressed her to write a play for an upcoming house party where she will also be expected to perform the leading role. So, we are very sweetly set up for the grand finale which will take place at this house party in which we shall finally figure out how Ms. Hoyt will settle the questions we have - the primary one being - who set up our darling beast, Apollo four years ago and wanted him committed to Bedlam? Who is Indio's father and how is he related to Lily and Indio? What in the hey is Valentine Napier, the Duke of Montgomery's game? Now, there's an interesting character and if he isn't featured as the main guy in one of Ms. Hoyt's upcoming books, I'll eat my bonnet.**Spoilerish**I didn't like all the mud and dirt and soot for three quarters of the book. Apollo was always dirty. It's hard to be romantic when you're always covered with mud and soot. Also, at the end, one certain man with one blue and one green eye should have been: 1) either done away with, 2) shipped out with a press gang, or 3) shipped of to Australia on a convict vessel. Hello? Remember Kitty? There are two or three of the usual heavy sex scenes in this book, the details of which might be over the top for some readers. However, I don't believe one could accuse this book of being full of gratuitous sex for it was not. I'll give the author credit for that much. This book was a story about Lily and Apollo getting to know one another and the loose ends of Apollo's life being tied up.Overall, I just didn't care for this story very much. There wasn't any big thrill in the relationship between Lily and our darling Apollo. One thing I did like - there was nothing in the storyline that created a big misunderstanding. Both Apollo and Lily were kind and "easy to get along with" characters. Even with Apollo's background, his basic person had not been severely damaged - wounded yes, but not damaged. I loved Apollo and in truth felt as though he didn't get the story he deserved. Sorry, but there you have it.
3.5 StarsThis was a bit cute. After some very heavy and sad fantasy reading I needed something completely like this where there isn’t a ton of heartache and we were able to get to the cute phase quickly.I liked Apollo and his tragic tale as soon as we learned of it from his sister Artemis’s book. Most of the most horrific things that happened to Apollo were in that book and so most of Darling Beast is spent in Apollo’s recovery from the brutal beating that took his voice and eventually being saved and sent into hiding until he could clear his name.“He’d forgotten, in those long years in Bedlam, through fear and grief and pain, what it was like to simply be with a pretty woman. To tease and flirt and yes, perhaps steal a kiss. He didn’t know how she felt about that kiss—or if she’d let him kiss her again, but he was certainly going to try. He had lost time to make up—much of life itself to live. He’d spent four years in limbo, simply existing, while others found lovers and friends, even started families. He wanted to live again.â€There isn’t anything specifically groundbreaking in this installment. Our tragic hero meets the Heroine and her son and initially he is thought to be dumb along with mute. But after a short time and a bath in the nearby pond it is discovered that he is definitely more than he seems.The best parts of this book were really with the boy Indio and little dog Daphne. Their time with Apollo was kind of adorable in a lot of ways. I really liked Lily as a mother and how she was with her son and the lengths that she would go to for him.The banter is as fun as always and I do still love the way that Apollo treats his brother-in-law. Someone needs to be a little on the snarky side to His Grace.“Good Lord, His Grace the Ass hiding in the bushes,†Apollo muttered. “Whatever are you doing here?â€â€œAh, Kilbourne, you’ve regained your voice,†Wakefield drawled. “Pity, but I presume my wife is thrilled….â€I did figure out who was to blame for framing Apollo and why a bit early on in the story but I don’t really read these for the mystery but for the romance.Not my favorite in the series but still a good story. I was really interested in the small parts that we get to see Phoebe and Trevillion since I’m totally a sucker for that former soldier/lawman playing bodyguard and falling in love kind of trope so I’m desperate to continue to their story.
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